Assassin’s Creed Unity Reveals, Release Date, Reviews, Rumors: Vincent PontBriand Claims Plans for Re-Engineering Gameplay through Development

Assassin's Creed Unity Reveals, Release Date, Reviews, Rumors: Vincent PontBriand Claims Plans for Re-Engineering Gameplay through Development
Ubisoft announced today that the previous October 28th release for Assassin's Creed Unity has hence been delayed to November 11th 2014. At the present, this is not such a surprise to the gaming community because most of the October titles have already received a push like the October month seems to be completely jinxed according to most developers originally seeking to release their next generation console games at the time. Ubisoft appeared quite defensive on the matter stating that being a full next generation game, it thus requires quite a lot of work and a lot of learning.
According to Vincent PontBriand, who is a senior producer working on the game, "It's always hard to be precise and to quantify exactly how much work is involved. So as we get close to the finish we often realize we're near the target but we're not quite there yet." Apparently it is always hard to be precise and quantify exactly how much work is involved to get things where they need to be. A lot of the time, the game developers realize that they do not have what they intended for the market just when they think they have found it. The other thing is that assassins creed is going to be built on the model of an open world, in order to be worthy of the next gen consoles that have been introduced this year including the X Box One and the Play-station 4.
As such, most of the systems have been rebuilt in order to improve the experience of the game. Sometimes this entails re-skining or making it look fresh all over again. Apparently, Pontbriand is Assassin's creed fourth game but it feels like the first because they are doing everything all over again. The Gameplay video backing the interview shows the new protagonist, Arno Dorian stalking the revolutionary Paris making use of the acrobatic skills and blades in weird places.
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