August Xbox One System Update: Updated System Has New Features Which Include The 3D Blu-ray Support, Improved Notifications And Remote Game Downloads

August Xbox One System Update: Updated System Has New Features Which Include The 3D Blu-ray Support, Improved Notifications And Remote Game Downloads
We have the latest news for you on the Xbox One system update. The good news for Xbox One fans is that this month's system update has just rolled out. The updated system has new features which include the 3D Blu-ray support, improved notifications and remote game downloads which the fans have been waiting for. The frequent additions and refinement are certainly not panacea for the Xbox One's public perception problems. These monthly updates are there to assure the existing owners that Microsoft is working on its laurels.
In a post on the Major Nelson blog, details of the updated features are written about. They can all be summarized into 3 major changes. To start with, the update adds the 3D Blu-ray support which was promised to the fans last month. The PS4 version already supports the Blu-ray from last month, and now Xbox One will support it. For those whose TVs are 3D capable, they will be able to enjoy 3D Blu-rays live Avatar and Gravity.
The second update on the Xbox One is remote game downloads. If you purchase a game or DLC on the Xbox website or through a SmartGlass, you will now have an option to automatically download the content on your console. The same function exists with PS4 and Sony's website and it is a good thing that Microsoft is keeping the pace with improving technology. The last update is that of improved notifications. The update improves the notifications in several ways. When your controller's battery is running low, you will receive an on-screen notification. Secondly, when you browse your friends list, you will be able to see how long it has been since they last logged in. when watching a movie, you have the ability to silence the notification during the video play back.
The most dramatic change to the notifications however, is the addition of the Facebook-like social networking. You can like, or even add posts like a tweet or a status update. This updates are enough to satisfy any Xbox One owner as of now. These are great updates and they are likely to excite the fans quite a lot. We will definitely keep you posted any new updates we get on this.
Tags : xbox one Xbox One system update system update of Xbox one xbox one update updates on Xbox one Xbox one to have 3D remote downloads improved notifications on Xbox one Xbox one August update August Xbox one news on Xbox one news on Xbox one system update details of Xbox one system update Xbox one update details latest information about Xbox update Xbox one news review of August update August update on Xbox one Xbox one features remote downloads Xbox one features improved notifications August Xbox One System Update
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